24-Hour Activity Bar
Activated a 24-hour log available for all to see. Well help us watch for any new registrations that think they'll sneak in and cause mayhem.
You'll see it down below the normal "Whose online" section on the main page.
Never worry about seeing bots. These are normal connections used by search engines to index web pages or in our case forums. The bots you see are simply contacting aux, seeing if its still active and indexing or cataloging that part of the forum allowed to be accessed via search engine which in this case is the open portion of the site.
You'll see it down below the normal "Whose online" section on the main page.
Never worry about seeing bots. These are normal connections used by search engines to index web pages or in our case forums. The bots you see are simply contacting aux, seeing if its still active and indexing or cataloging that part of the forum allowed to be accessed via search engine which in this case is the open portion of the site.
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Re: 24-Hour Activity Bar
If I remember correctly, brand-new applicants are given the "registered" privileges (but not the "private" privileges. There is yet another set of specifications, strictly for newbies, in which they can post, but the posts must be approved by a mod or admin before the post appears.
If the attacks continue, we might employ that (if you have not already done so).
If the attacks continue, we might employ that (if you have not already done so).
4 x
Re: 24-Hour Activity Bar
Right, no new registered can go to the private side without approval. It can't be done. Attacks are way down now due to the new features implemented by Slim regarding email authentication and my decreasing the allowable login amount time coupled with an increase to the pool of challenge questions which exceeds the amount of failed attempts to register.
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